Re: issues since 4g?
Welcome to Sprint's next generation data... Oh, and we get to pay extra for it! In the little over a month I've had my Evo, I have come to the conclusion that Wimax absolutely blows. Swiss cheese spotty coverage that here in Las Vegas works reliably about 70% of the time, and hardly works indoors anywhere I have tried it. It will switch back and forth so often to 3G the phone gets confused and starts displaying both at the same time (and neither will work)... When you have a good solid connection it's very fast, but I am finding more often than not, 3G is faster... For some reason lately I've been getting a decent 4G signal, but essentially no data (0-25 kps)... Now add to this there is some kind of software issue with the EVO and 4G where a 4G connection will eventually slow the phone to a crawl until it is restarted... Not good. Disgraceful actually. I'm afraid Wimax won't be around long if they don't figure out a way of improving it's coverage... Honestly, what good is data that only works outdoors? I tried leaving it on in my car once with Navigator running and the 4G must have switched on and off 10 times before my destination... Full strength, off, full strength, off, weak signal, off... Crazy.