Originally Posted by DavidinCT
Does anyone know for sure on this ??????? As far as anyone can see so far is the only thing that is changed is the radio.
GPS sucks on the TP2, not dependable at all, it would be sweet to get Tomtom working correctly but, I am dreaming (and no, using a 3rd party program to make it "sort of work" is not a fix)
Is there a way to extract the SPL file from MR3 and install it (just incase there is changes) ???
I don't know anything about GPS code updates, but I really doubt they would put in the R&D time on it. Personally, I use the GPSModDriver from here:
[GPS] Mod Driver - GeoCaching, Lag, Compass, Cell Tower, Altitude, GPS support. - xda-developers
While I realize you say a 3rd party program to make it "sort of work" isn't a fix, it really does more than the standard GPS can do on its own. Some applications like Garmin XT cannot use cellular triangulation, but the GPSModDriver actually supports that and passes that data through to Garmin XT.
Also, it has the ability to project your location based on speed and direction to help minimize the lag that is inherent in all GPS (though it is worse on the TP2 than it is on a lot of other devices).