Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx
Ha Ha... I get awesome battery life with my stock battery. I have almost no battery drain whatsoever for 10 hours on standby while unplugged from the charger overnight. I can go all day on a single charge with average moderate use. What's my secret? Azrael X 2.1 ROM. Absolutely. The fastest, smoothest, and best battery life of ANY rom out there! You must flash it and ffind out for yourself... or not but keep your charger close by. I'm a recovered flashaholic thanks to Azrael X 2.1!
I agree with your choice of Rom. I am also running the Azrael 2.1 as well but i am using a 3500 extended battery from seidio instead of the stock battery. It's simply amazing. I don't even bring my charger with me to work anymore. I recommend the azrael rom and the 3500 mah battery from seidio.