Originally Posted by dan23945
I have had much better luck with OC_Auto_v4.21 than OCT1.5.
1) Install Msm7kCpuSpeed. Run this program and see how high you can clock the cpu without it locking up on you. Play around until you find the best\most stable clock speed for you device. For mine, anything past 768Mhz is very unstable.
2) Install MortScript-4.2-PPC.
3) Install OC_Auto_v4.21. Run it, the only thing I change from the defaults is selecting the overclocked speed at the beginning. Make sure you don't change the second screen from 604Mhz, or you'll have all kinds of issues.
After rebooting, you can confirm your overclocked speed using Msm7KCpuSpeed. That should do it!
yea, i was about to edit my post about using oct v 1.5 when i saw you posted this. oct v 1.5 worked great until my phone went to sleep then it locked up and i had to soft reset from the back panel. then i couldnt even uninstall the program completely. after all that i tried the setcpuspeed-1.0d.cab which i think, and i could be wrong, but i think its all those programs you listed into one cab. either way, its working like a charm and havnt had it lock up on me again.
here is the thread i found the cab in, look for post #35: