Originally Posted by thayer
I'm more interested in how the radio performs. I live in a very diverse cell signal area and so if there is any improvement I'll let you know.
So far with it (as you might of saw, I just installed the radio), It's questionable so far.
I live in a problem area myself, use a network extender (that will grab a low powered tower when I walk over to the other side of my house, then will not re-connect to the extender resulting in dropped calls)
For the first testings, it seemed to work better but, over all if anything 1-2% better, I still result in dropped calls a lot.
Originally Posted by natemcnutty
I will break apart both releases tomorrow and do a hash comparison. From what I saw, the OS payloads were the same size in both, and the versions said they were the same build. If Verizon had updated anything, I would expect them to change the build numbers, but you never know.
Also, I don't know if Mr. X will be messing around with the TP2 stuff anymore. I know he posted what he did, so maybe I'll look that up while I'm at it 
Thanks, I'm wondering (and I am sure a lot of others are), even with Mr. X's fixed MR2 build, I still have SOD problems a lot and other lockups (hard reset a few times now), so it makes me wonder if anything is really fixed.
As I said above, the radio is maybe a hair bit better but, not that much better in my tests.
If it was a unlocked version (really don't want to have to possably pay to unlock my phone again), I would nuke and try it today.....
Thanks again !