Originally Posted by dibbson
Do they install and not work, or don't install? Not sure on the Album Cab, but there is a newer album, just not sure if there is a cab. I have been waiting to see if the newer com 3 friendly manila will come out, but it hasn't. If I make the roms, I'm sure it will after I upload them, lol.
The Volume Control cabs install fine but there just seems to be no effect afterwards, it is still the standard non finger friendly WM volume control interface.
Also, I have been trying to find a good album cab, as the one I have is old and does not support the zoom bar and functions strangely. If you happen to find a good one please let me know. Doesnt have to be the newest one with fb and media uploading and all (all though to get that to work would be nice) just one that supports the TP2 well with the zoombar and such