Well it boils down to this...the Galaxy S section here started too late..thus XDA pretty much got most of the cooks there...The Epic is living here mostly due to me and a few members contributing to make it work...
While I try to assist people even if they have a fascinate or any other Galaxy S phone..I can never give 100% answers to people as I don't exactly own one...we actually have quite a few Fascinate owners on the forum..but without vocal members its can't really grow...
Its a supply and demand kind of thing, since no one is posting content, no one comes to visit...
I mean I wish I could post content for the Epic, Fascinate, Vibrant, Continuum, Captivate, and etc..but its not physically possible for me to be up to date on all those..so I end up having to choose to keep up with the device I currently use ( I'm long overdue at updating the wiki due to work
)...but of course if anyone has a question regarding the fascinate I will do m best to help.