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Noo dude 10$ thats nothin look my problem is that i have my account with my dad n mom... my parents have crappy phone (dont use web or text) so they have the basis, i suppose to pay 150:$ monthly ... last month come up 300:$ so i call custumer service n they said they charging 75 for internet to my dad n mom phone so thats mean 150$+ so i was likr wtf they dont use internet so thats bullcrap ok i pay the 300 n take their internet off so they told me is goin to be 150$ like normal... this month is 490$ so fuk it im piss yesterday i spent like 4 hours on the phone to fix this problem n they hung up on. Me .. so thats it im tired im not rich man... is not about a 10$+ is about 200$+ problem