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Old 12-07-2010, 07:12 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

i have to say...i was never really a fan of the icons (although they all pretty much match-thats good) but i did just step across some new icons that look similar to the cht icons you (s2w) skinned here, just a thought- i always end up using jwdm icon app. the only thing bout the icons are some dont have color, i really digging the black temp w/ the colored icons inside-makes em stand out.
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less

Last edited by kjhadfield; 12-07-2010 at 07:16 PM.
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