Re: Class Action Lawsuit Against Sprint for the 10$ Fee!
What bugs me is I was lied to. I live near Akron, Ohio - considered part of the "Cleveland metropolitan area". I was told by the Sprint rep that when the "Cleveland area" got 4G, it would extend through the whole area, including the store I was buying it from (which is further south of Cleveland than where I live.)
I didn't mind paying the extra $10/mo for 3-4 months while waiting for 4G, but when it finally came, the coverage area was pathetic- ending over THIRTY MILES north of my house and office. So now, instead of wasting $30 or $40 each for two phones while I wait for the value that's supposed to provide, I'm going to wait how long? The whole two years?
I would not have purchased the Evo or even remained on my Sprint contract if I hadn't been lied to.