Help I think Re-Locked my touch pro2 with a customed Rom, now im stuck in bootloader
i have sharkies rom for my touch pro2 cdma versionwhiched i flashed using my sd card. the rom began to give me trouble, one of them been that touch screen stopped responding. so i decided to flash back the old sprint stock rom. to saved time i downloaded the relocker and saved it on the root of my sd card. the procedure to flashing the sprint rom were working greatuntil the final step when everthing went sour. the moment i clicked update the phone which had enter bootmode normally gave me a option to preceed to the update by clicking the power button and the volume down to cancel. i proceeded to click the power button for the update to precceed but at this moment rom updater on my computer told me there was a problem with connection. ever since my phone stayed on loadin mode but with no progress. i took the battery out hoping that would fix the problem but it only been stuck in bootloader screen. please help im scare i might had relocked my phone by accident since the relocker was saved on the root of the sd card... any suggestions?