Originally Posted by lkillen
Global warming is a hoax,
it was me on the grassy knoll,
Obama was or was not born in Kenya,
the sky ain't going to fall
and the kids with the new EVOs will not self implode when they try to root them.
Give it a rest Cruise.
I know they won't self implode, but someone has to stop them from jumping off the cliff just cause their buddy told them to. Just today, the first post at the top of the forums was another noob that tried to root his brand new evo and got the red triangle lock up because he didn't read or research first. In his post he states what method he used at xda and in the title of that method it even states that this method is outdated but he used it anyway. Its like lambs to the slaughter. I'm just hoping someone will see this post and say hey, I should verify what method of root I should use based on my phones hardware or software before messing up my phone.