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Old 12-05-2010, 01:55 AM
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Re: Updated[12-04-10(CE-29003)]★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916][Sense2

i been meaning to mention this 2 you but always lose track and then noticed this thread that reminded me.

the same day the poster w/ google maps issue, just the other day. my google maps would not get a fix on sats. i was clueless cause it has never happened. then another said to double check quick gps (but i remember changing that to auto dl) so i did and everything was checked except active sync/pc option, so it should auto dl when expired but it didnt and it said in red expired. so for some reason the quick gps doesnt auto dl like before. or maybe i never noticed, i dunno? but the only way to actually test is to wait 7 days. the thread that popped up is from other roms as well here
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