Originally Posted by erockvr6
i bought my evo mid november, its HW 0004, my HBOOT was not 2.02, i had the latest OTA software update and i rooted my evo fine with unrevoked. from what i understand only the HBOOT matters, the exploit in the old HBOOT was patched with 2.02
I'm confused, you had 3.30.651.2 or newer and you rooted with unrevoked? You must have gotten lucky then or unrevoked finally updated their hack. I know that Hboot 2.02 is the biggest hurdle with rooting the newer phones that come with that and that is the main reason for the post. There have been so many others messing up their phones that have tried to root the traditional method when their phone came with 3.30.651.2. No one else received the OTA to 3.30.651.3 unless their phone came with 3.30 already. Anyone with an EVO on 3.29.651.5 did not get an OTA to 3.30 unless they were running a custom rom that incorporated it. 3.30 was only for the EVOs that had the new camera hardware, but works fine on older EVOs using it with custom roms.