Originally Posted by [ACL]
i want to but there is simply no time. i can barely put 1 hour a day on this so its hard. No one else besides me and nate are really working on this. Wozzer wants to come back but he is also very busy.
The panel issue right now has me stumped .. we are unable to power down he lcd panel like the haret version so between 3d, the frame-buffer and the panel pure nand will probably go last.
What do you think is left to get this working?
Do the drivers for the MTD need to be worked on? I did notice the MTD drivers from the Vogue are newer then what you have on GIT. Is this where we are getting them from or will it help?
Thanks for all the effort in this so far!
Maybe it was just me but when I went from the SD card to NAND on the Vogue it made a huge difference! So I can't wait until that is working and if I can help out in any way let me know!