Originally Posted by sp4rtan5
Is there a easier way to instal this? The instructions say to put the file in root od sd card. But theres a list of files to choose. Confused.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
If you want to test the 3d driver. there are 3 file 11.26, 11.27. & 11.29. pick one a test it
then pick the gralloc 11.30
edit your froyo.user.conf. and add this command
mount --bind /sdcard/libGLES_qcom.so /system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so
mount --bind /sdcard/
gralloc.msm7k.so /system/lib/hw/
or download the froyo.user.conf
good luck. thanks