Originally Posted by cklein6576
No, I just found it interesting that sprint acknowledged that a pirated copy of a rom exists and they are calling it a beta. One would think that they would either 1. ignore it. 2. act like the devil himself had released this rom in order to eat babies and take over the world, perhaps I'm just used to the MPAA's reasoning. Whatever the case I think its great that a huge company has taken notice of this community here. I dont think anyone thought it was an official rom, but should feel proud that sprint knows we're here.
You have no evidence that "a huge company has taken notice of this community here" or that "sprint acknowledged that a pirated copy of a rom exists and they are calling it a beta". You heard something from one CS rep. In almost every other thread, CS reps are considered clueless and uninformed. Suddenly here, every CS rep is the fully knowledgeable, official voice of Sprint?