Lets get a working application list going here!
Pocket Legends 1.5.6 *Working*
Angry Birds 1.3.5 *Working*
Pro Launcher *Working*
Cyanogens Google Maps (GAPPS 5) *Working*
Dolphin HD 4.0 *Working*
Slideme *Working* (Must have Super User and SU in place.)
SetCPU *Working* (Must have Super User and SU in place.)
SPB TV *Working*
Super User *Working*
Pandora *Working*
Facebook App *Working*
Adfree *Working*
APKTor *Working*
FileBro Lite *Working*
AndroidMate *Working*
Advanced Task Killer *Working*
Robo Defence *Working*
Android Comic Viewer *Working*
Meebo *Working*
More to come!