Originally Posted by Vancer
If ur referring to the toast notification popping up all the time just bring up the wimax app goto advanced settings and uncheck always show notifications and it goes away ... if ur talking about the occasional force close msg I got nothing for ya! Hehe ... but I have just hit the force close when it pops up and it obviously starts itself again when a text comes through and seems to work just fine ... don't care one way or the other though if u ditch it, I only use it cause its there but was fine w/o it
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When i first flashed to 4.0, the wimax notifier used to pop up and nothing would happen (The program just didn't work). The popups were annoying. Also it would constantly FC on me. So i decided to delete the program via applications and then the phone wouldn't boot up. Long story short, I flashed it again with 4.0 w/o wiping or formatting and this baby works really well. I disabled the notifications and barely notice it's there (it will FC on me about twice a week). I do, however, have an extra 3500mah battery that I carry around. So, the phone gets a reboot every time i'm swapping batteries (usually every other day).
Hope this helps