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Old 11-30-2010, 05:51 PM
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Re: phone just cuts off and restarts

Originally Posted by Acedooncoon View Post
I am too having the same issue as every one....I cant say where it wasnt always like i cant even text (what I do mostly) for to long cuz it will reboot...that sh*t is so annoying.....when I feel my phone warming up I just let it sit for a while....then I go back to what I was doing....Im so ready to go to sprint and show then so they can give me a new phone....or i might just call the insurance company and tell them I lost my them the $100 (small change) that way I can have two to test on and the other to actually use.....i dunno yet...but yea that rebooting thing is pissing me off to the MAX....
I understand and experience your anger as well. If I were you, I would first get Sprint to give you a new replacement evo before making an insurance claim. Your phone is still under 1 year manufacturer warranty so use that instead of insurance. Then once have it exchanged, you can then file insurance if you choose. But the esn would then be black-listed and unable to be activated on Sprint. I'm sure you know that already.

My question to you Acedooncoon and everyone else who has this rebooting problem is: What color & hardware # EVO do you have? I hear it is happening on a bad batch of white EVO's. My phone is white with hardware version 0003. This is a good way to see if what I was told is true or false.
Carrier: Sprint
Plan: Simply Everything
Devices: HTC EVO 4G

Last edited by tx_dbs_tx; 11-30-2010 at 05:55 PM.
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