Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving
Tiad have you tried the latest (11.30) what have your results been? I'm waiting for a conference call to start so I have to stay in WM for a few hours... just trying to live vicariously till I can try it myself lol.
Also, in the first post you might want to change the latest update text to 11.30 otherwise you'll get alot of people mistakenly asking for the "11.29" update. Make sense? Just a suggestion.
i'm using
gralloc.msm7k.so.11.30.10.zip.zip and
libGLES_qcom.so. 11.29.10.ZIP.zip . looks good. im getting sound on everthing. 3d is work good. no screen tearing and flickering just a little be slower than
libGLES_qcom.so.11.26.10.ZIP.zip with out the gralloc. thanks