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Old 11-30-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: 3d driver for testing with gralloc. UPDATED 11.30.10

Originally Posted by skyguy04 View Post
I've got a fresh andboot from the 11/22 FRX03 build loaded on my SD card. Haven't booted haret yet. I've replaced the froyo.user.conf file with the new version from post 1. I've dumped the (11/29) and (11/30) file in my root andboot folder. Is that correct? Should i be able to boot now with the new driver and test gralloc? Sorry for the n00b question. Haven't messed with .so files yet.
Firsthand I've only messed with the libGLES file and that worked fine from the actual root of the sd card itself, make sure you dont put it in the Andboot folder itself.

I havent seen it written anywhere but I assume the should also work from sd card root in the same way...

For clarification (from an expert: Nate, ACL, Tiad) CAN the 2 .so files work when placed in other folders?
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