Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
wow i missed this till vin quoted you, man that just blows. cant ya buy a used tp2? my sprint guy will have one if theres none here so pm me if you want me to see what i can do. sorry for the loss, crackheads wake up early where you live or they were still up.
Thanks Vin and Darren for your posts.
My own fault. Walking off with that stuff in plain view. I'm trying to look at the bright side, I had the keys in the ignition! Spent all day signing up for TrustedID for me, my wife and the 5 (adult) children. Kept apologizing to them for letting someone get their info.
I've thought about what I'm going to do for a while now. Posted some questions here on this thread about the future. I'm eligible for an upgrade on Dec 1. I just don't like the options. I could buy a TP2, and that still is a possibiility. I just can't see investing in old technology.
I keep laughing at myself 'cause I don't care about the laptop or the camera. Maybe not even the phone. Just all my personal info.
Sorry for the long post. Really upset...