Originally Posted by ppclover2
i too am interested in this...im debating between the hd7 and 7 pro...i think i will need a physical keyboard but if other specs outweigh a physical keyboard i dont mind parting with one...screen size is a factor, i dont want something thats nice to watch videos from but nothing huge like the evo (yes i know the hd7 but like the keyboard issue i dont mind going big if i am able to get use it it)
I thought no keyboard would be an issue on my hd7 and it really wasn't. Swype was nice to have and made the transition easier.
For the hd7, no swype, but the keyboard is much better than the stock one on the hd2 and esp. in landscape for banging out texts, it works well enough. It isn't a hardware KB by any stretch but I don't think I could go back to a fat phone. Word correction works very well on the wp7 as well.