Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
Originally Posted by JWil0875
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
back again tw, yet again another good rom u got goin on... only issue i had was file expl keeps crashing but thats cool, i prefer total comm anyways
Please explain in what you were doing when FE crashed. That's a 1st for me to see (Not true, at one time 6 monts ago when I was using Explorer Ext there was a problem. But I have not been cooking this in the since then). Did it do it just 1 time or keeps happen? Is it always at the same time and location. Is it while view pictures, files or ?
My question is what are you trying to do with FE?
Can anyone else say they are having the problem with File Explorer.
Suggest: Remove all personal items from your SDcard and copy to your desktop. Do not copy and of the files placed on the SDcard by the system. Format the card to 32bit and then copy your files back to the card. Soft reset your and let the system setup your SDcard again/ Sometimes items left from previous rom installs or reg tweaks are know to cause problems of this nature.
I did the task29 prior, hard reset, now the only other thing I did was the maxconnections per server in the cu and lm regs (please note, i am a noob so i'm still trying to process everything)then I went to file expl to start installing cabs... it gave me an error message saying it was going to close, shut down and from that point on when I click the link I get nothing. I thought it may've been a miss directed path so I deleted the shortcut from the programs in windows then went to the exe and ink in the root of the windows folder but still the same..... give me a little while i'll try that out and get back to you... thanks again