Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Thanks for chiming in and giving feedback guys! I'm very glad to hear that all is well on your ends.
@jpriset - I don't have a cab for just the wait cursor. It's part of dafunk's taskbar. You can check one of his threads and see if there's anything there. I will have a look at the taskbar cab and see if I can pull just the wait cursor from it, but I can't make any promises. Taskbars cab are very involved and not something that just anyone can put together. I'll do my best though...
I added a link to your post with the Rotate Screen listing under "Known Issues". Thanks again!
The wait cursor is a set of images packaged in the shellres.192.dll. All of the taskbar icons are also packaged in this DLL so you actually have to unsign the DLL, replace the images, and then resign the DLL. I don't remember the exact software you need to do all this, but I think it was listed in tsowen's thread.
So unfortunately it's not quite as simple as a CAB install.