Re: Tried XDANDROID - *VERY* slow typing, characters double and triple typing.. Help!
I use BT too much and need more than just 5 hours battery time for this to be more than just something to play with. Like I said, I will probably move to an Android phone, but thanks to this trial I know it doesn't have to be soon.
While we're discussing this, maybe someone can tell me how to install 3rd party apps in XDAndroid? Does it use .cab files or some other type? Where's the file explorer? Why do some programs show up in the Applications tab as being installed, but I can't find an icon anywhere to run them? Digital Rain being one. And what format do my movies have to be in to play in Android? It doesn't like my .3gp movies that play great in WM. And how do I get rid of all those download indicators in the Taskbar after installing programs from Market? How do I switch between tasks? Can't seem to find a Task Manager. How do I close a program? No X in the corner and hitting Back doesn't always close the program. Been having to wade over to Settings>Application Management>Select the program and Force Close for some of them. How do I sync my Outlook calendar and contacts or am I forced to use Google for that.
Samsung Captivate (new love)
HTC Tilt 2 (for sale, soon to be gone)
LG Incite (long gone)