11-27-2010, 07:11 PM
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Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002
Originally Posted by boldaslove
Damn vin you rock, straight up, you single-handedly keep my TP2 fun and exciting, hehe
Currently I'm using Nov 26 Plutonium (29002) and it's sweet, but I use the program Auto Call Record (attached CAB) and it has always worked, however now with this ROM when listening to recorded calls I can only hear my voice, not the other end. I have tried bluetooth on/off, speakerphone on/off, it isn't recording the other person anymore-- it's either silence or very faint crackling/hiss, though barely audible. Any ideas? 
Thanks for the heads up - and communicating this glitch before I installed the latest ROM! ACR is a necessity.
HTC Touch Pro2 / Sprint SERO 500