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Old 11-27-2010, 05:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] DK17 Froyo Beta Leak

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
For me both GPS and 3g works fine..if anything only thing that didn't work is 4g....but I haven't had 4g work in a while (must have broke it somewhere lol)..though don't care much about 4g wireless will tether is fixed or sprint stops teasing me..seriously half my house has 4g and other half doesn't so its a little ticking me off lol

Was flashing to the dk17 modem... even when I had dk17 kernel already installed.. It was the dk17 modem that ****ed me up. I had to flash back to either Di18 or DK05... Currently running DJ29 4.2 with DK05 modem until this new DK17 project is confirmed working most of the time. I can't find any good roms and file systems past DJ29 4.2 and modems past DK05...with only one drawback... I keep getting fc on the calendar and now using sdx stock app removal to remove and restore... the fc went away after remove. But it came back after restore. Which means I don't have a good stock file for calendar or maybe something else is causing it to fc.
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