Originally Posted by krazydude
thanks tw (thanked)....downloading now....
am glad to be on your list again...
Hope you will continue to build great roms for the TP2.
I wish that was going to continue to be true. I love cooking for the TP2 vs the Sprint Epic. But I am either getting too old or out of step with the folks who own Android Phones. Example: Last week I posted a picture of my blue themed home screen. Very much like what I have for the TP2 at SDX (Show your Home Screen) thread. And someone posted a reply "Holy crap, what is that". So after I finish here, all rom building (done with a custon kernel built from the source up, custom themes will not be available to the public. Some people are just rude to the core. My own feeling on the subject of hitting the thanks button. If you download a persons work, even to just give it a spin and don't like it. You should still hit the thanks button even if you didn't like the work. Some people hold onto theirs thanks like there are made of gold. Well here I am again on my soapbox complaining about the ungrateful people who take and take and ask for more.
Hey, Best wishes and glad to see you back on one of my roms.
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion