It's an honor to have used Juicy's ROM as well as Mighty ROM and ConFlipper's ROMs. All great legends of this community.
I wish I had the time to learn all there is to cooking ROMs I was on a great path but my studies come first. Anyhow to get back on track. I guess i'm posting just to say thank you guys for making this an awesome run for all of us here on PPC geeks.
I know this is Juicy's thread, but all of these chefs along with all the other unamed people ie. CMonex, MR X., Ziggy, and no2chem.
I think here at PPC geeks we should have a Chef hall of Fame to honor these. Even then i do not think that would be enough to show my respect and great-fullness for these. So, thanks for doing what all you chefs do best.
Juicy hope you get a chance to read this if not its cool. I hope you get through your rough times. Peace out