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Old 11-27-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: [ROM] DK17 Froyo Beta Leak

Originally Posted by youngblack View Post
Dk17 modem crippled my internet completely. Gps got a lock rarely some case if u got a map already in cache from the last position it will pin point your location if you haven't moved since that time. Overall... its only good for gps. What good is a phone with no 3G? I had to restore back to stock 3 times after the 2nd tries... still not working for me. Sorry.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
For me both GPS and 3g works fine..if anything only thing that didn't work is 4g....but I haven't had 4g work in a while (must have broke it somewhere lol)..though don't care much about 4g wireless will tether is fixed or sprint stops teasing me..seriously half my house has 4g and other half doesn't so its a little ticking me off lol
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