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Old 11-25-2010, 05:58 PM
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Its FLASHING time!!!
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Re: Nov.24 Plutonium ROM.SYS 29002.Reverse Logistics Support

Im about to upload 29002_V2 lol
OEM Drivers (from Mighty ROM kitchen)
Contact utility (Leo 2018 )
Contact picker(Leo 2018 )
Group editor(Leo 2018 )
Manila people(Leo 2018 )
SIM import(Leo 2018 )
Dialer (latest VZW 4.01.605.15 ROM)

new contact issue solved.
If MM ROM realy good,then this ROM should be twice-better lol
I noticed that he did not cleaned up imageinfo.txts inside of the drivers,probably to eliminate possible module relocation errors.In english to make drivers as stable as in shipped ROM.

DOWNLOAD link removed due to SMS bug

Last edited by vin255764; 11-26-2010 at 03:17 PM.
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