Originally Posted by kristopher135@yahoo. om
Does anyone else have a problem when trying to flash a rom downloaded on a mac to an evo?
You should be more specific....
1. did you download an official RUU .exe from somewhere? If that is the case, you need a PC to run RUU .exe's.... or a Virtual Machine.....
2. did you download the file in a file like UPDATE.ZIP, or an RUU packaged as an upgrade zip?
If you downloaded a ZIP update, it is possible that Safari is automatically unzipping it... this will mess it up. To stop this go to SAFARI-PREFERENCES, and uncheck OPEN "SAFE" files box.
If you did have it auto-opened and unzipped, simply rezipping it will not work, as it needs to be signed. I suggest a re-download if that is the case.
If you downloaded an update .zip, your phone needs to be rooted, and have something clockwork recovery installed. you can find more information about that anywhere in this forum!
Originally Posted by cruise350
Sounds like Steve Jobs is pissed you didn't buy an Iphone and is screwing with his faithful Mac users that bought an android phone. Best luck is to go out and by a PC and your compatibility problems will go away.
The compatibility in this case appears to be the user not the device.