Originally Posted by masetas
Hope someone can post how to make the top power button so that when u hit it it takes u to the home screen and when u press on it for a second or two it will show u the recent apps. it helps for multi tasking
lol Nate already responded so I won't copypasta the link, but yea... this has already been addressed, and we're working on a commit to be able to pick and choose based on a startup.txt value...
Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving
Since the update I've not been able to get angry birds to work either neither from restoring a titanium backup copy, or from fresh install from market. Seems to be the ONLY of my apps that will not work at this time.
Oh noes no Angry Birds?!?! What ever are you going to do...
Even if it does work, it can't work well. It clearly requires OpenGles2.0, and our hardware will never support that. I hear a version designed for old crappy phones is getting released. I almost dread that release...