Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
im not posting for the 95% peeps or the 5%, im posting what i want of a new phone and wp7 right now cant compare to my epic, im talking all over and talking about sprints dismal offering the pro 7.
We always knew you were not of this species.
I see your point. That Pro7 looks ugly as hell, but then again so does the Epic imo.
No one is arguing that WP7 can't do as much as Android yet, but I mean I would easily rock an HD7 any day right along with my HD2 (or just wait for a good port so I can dual-boot).
Sprint seems to have a knack of putting out ugly/bad phones as far as I'm concerned.
The Vibrant is so much better than the Epic, the HD7 much nicer than the Pro7. The only one I think they got right was the Evo, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, I'm just glad I'm still on Tmo.