Originally Posted by ooxteme
I hear ya on the OC. I went down to 710 and it seems fine now!
ORLY now? Well I just flashed to 23148 Titanium and I'll see how it handles using 768mhz, if I still get SODs then I'll throttle it down to 710mhz and give it a try.
Thanks again NGRZ for cooking in settings exporter, pimbackup and xdaus! With those three tools I can pretty much flash back and fourth between any of NRGZ's roms and be back up and running very quickly. The stupid need to task29 or flash back to stock to clean out the nand memory, or whatever it's called, is actually the most time consuming part of my flashing.
I'm enjoying spb mobile shell so far, so I thought I'd give Titanium a try. I've been quite spoiled with the nice taskbars that NGRZ cooks in. So on Titanium I tried to install a 6.5.x taskbar I had lying around and it immediately broke the volume. But I had the time so I edited the taskbar and put in the new HTCVolume dll file and I even added the regedits for 7 signal bars (I have sprint). No I have a nice looking taskbar that works properly. I think I am going to go with an android inspired home screen for a while. I'll post a screenshot when I get a chance.
If anyone has any android style taskbars they'd like to share or recommend please PM me.