Originally Posted by jimmiekain
1. Will it allow me to talk to surf the web at the same time like sprint wimax 4g?
Yes, you would be able to talk over 1x and do data over 4g..no chatting over 4g yes since the spec won't be finalized till 2011 at the very least.(asside from VOIP of course)
2. Anyone know if its gonna be a battery killer like wimax?
Probably...its not that wimax or LTE are battery killers by themselves..what kills the batter is going from weak to strong signals and loosing signals...take 3g to subway and watch your phone run out of energy in no time.
3. Say for instance I'm doing a video call in a 4g/lte area and while im driving i move to a non 4g area. Will my call be disconnected when I my phone switches to 3g? Or am i way out of the realm of possibility on this one?
It depends on the software used...usually it will swap to 3g just like the EVO does..but what happens is the application usually may not adopt to the switch due to it being a different connection and a swap of ips..if the VOIP solution is programmed for this then tis no problem.
4. Anyone know how much extra they are gonna charge for lte?
Hard to say...if they stick to limiting by gb no reason to charge anything...but if they decide to charge by speed then we will see...
5. People all over the internet are saying that tmobile hspa+ is still faster. is this true?
Yes and no..HSPA+ has a maximum of 21mbps...LTE has a maximum of 100mbps..of course Verizon wont give you the full 100mbps and will be more on par with 12mbps due to the small amount of spectrum they are running it on(20mhz)...(HSPA+ real life is about 12mbps too)..the biggest difference between HSPA+ and next gen technologies is:
1) Efficiency - LTE and Wimax are much more efficient and can have more simultaneous users..so while HSPA+ may be fast now due to limited phones able to take advantage of it..the more users it has, the faster it will bog down.
2) Ping - Though due to how little cell towers both sprint and verizon have I doubt you will see the advantage here :/
6. Will it slow my phone down and make it lag like crazy like my evo when 4g is on?
Idk..I have an Epic 4g and I haven't really lagged on 4g..but it may depend on the towers, your radio or other things...
Please... nobody tell me to google this stuff because I already did and all i could find was peoples opinions. I'm looking for cold hard facts... Opinions are ok too but... well you know!
My opinion is you need to Google!
jk lol