original thread:
here at XDA posted by Mammon88.
First off many thanks to Firon, evilpeople, noobnl and whosdaman! For all the help getting this bad boy running.
These are EXPERIMENTAL BUILDS, so If you do not know what you are doing please refrain yourself from flashing, you might brick your PHONE!
In no way of shape or form will I be held responsible for bricks, flash at YOUR OWN RISK!
The rom is based of Froyo DK05 Leak with some customization of my own (Check Change Log).
- Always flash rom with FULLY charged battery!
- Make backup (with Root Explorer, ADB or Rom Manager)
- WIPE before installing
- Use DK17 Modem
EDIT: Flash the DK17 Kernel after flashing the ROM. Use clockwork to flash the kernel
DK17 Kernel: http://www.sdx-downloads.com/devs/noobnl/dk17kernel.zip
(thanks noobnl for the kernel)
Basic Features:
- Based on Froyo Tar Leak DK17 (Froyo 2.2)
- Deodexed
- Apps and framework optimized
- Rooted
- Zip-aligned
- Kill full battery Mod
- Custom tweaks/scripts
- TouchWiz Mod by Mammon
- Mms.apk 5MB Limit Mod
- Camera Fix by me
- Call Log Mod - Mms and SMS not recorded within call logs
..:: Screen Shots ::..
..::WIPE before installing::..
MD5: 3A47885FF0E1767786C0980E4936650C
File Size: 167.555
Mirror -
MD5: 37F7FFB24FFC24D580BC00D8F3887AED
FIle Size: 164,154
.::Change Log::.
ROM V1.0.0 13-NOV
Based on Froyo Leak 4.2 (Froyo 2.2)
Music Player (I9000)
GTG TouchWiz V1.1.1 -5 Dock
Apps and Framework optimized
Email.apk (I9000)
Browser.apk (I9000)
ROM V1.0.1 13-NOV
Redesigned internal working
Added Data/app
GingerBread YouTube
New scripts
TouchWiz lockscreen lag partially fixed (happens less)
Increased Ipv4 and Ipv6 Speeds
ROM V1.0.2 20-NOV
Based on DK05
Up-to-date maps
Up-to-date facebook
Default CPU speed min 200 and max 1000
Tweak i/o amd kernel scheduler
Tweak VM management
Kill full battery Mod (Thx raiderep for providing info)
Changed fonts
Zipalign run at boot
New statusbar mod (the statusbar is still black, I'm trying to fix this)
ROM V1.0.3 27-NOV
Pulled temporarily due to wifi issues.