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Old 03-02-2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Kitchen CE OS 5.2.1908 (Build 18508.0.7.0) - UPDATED 20071217

I am sorry that you are having such difficulty with your phone. It sounds like it is being a pain. While I wouldn't say that upgrading the phone is HARD, it is harder than say.. upgrading an iPod. Especially since you have to pick out all the pieces that you want yourself, and while most configs have been setup correctly, or documented not to work, it is such a nice service that is being provided for something that otherwise WOULDN'T WORK AT ALL BECAUSE THE PHONE COMPANIES AND MiCROSOFT ARE GREEDY GREEDY BASTARDS... I would suggest that you stay with your phone's original firmware, or go buy a new phone, as that will probably be easier for you. Again, sorry you have had so much trouble, but as a tech guy with no programming experiance, and after reading the last two pages of comments, it really seems to be a bit of user error on your part that is causing the problems at hand.
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