VSa - 9520 v5.0.0.1022 (1.1) by Valter
This is 99% Java from, 1%
1. Install as base OS to your computer, remove any other BB OS
2. Install this update
Once you click Finish in installation wizard BBHybridsTool will open. Use it to shrink BlackBerry OS. It's recommended to do this before updating your device. It will save some space on your BlackBerry and make it boot and run faster.
To update your BB:
- Delete Vendor.xml from AppLoader folder, then run AppLoader.exe and follow update instructions.
AppLoader is found in:
32-bit OS: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
64-bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
Optional steps:
- Security Wipe your BB before upgrade: Options > Security > Security Wipe
- Wipe Device before upgrade using BBSAK
Don't forget to make backups, and restore only important data.
About Screen:
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: VSa_1.1_9520_rel1664_PL4.2.0.423_A5.0.0.1022.exe
Version history:
v1.0 - Nov 06 2010.
- Added .1015 files
v1.1 - Nov 21 2010.
- Added .1022 files