Originally Posted by eric12341
if they wanted to they could go back to their old pricing structure that was more than vzw. CANIJOS!!
Ive had Sprint 10years came first few months of 2011... i dont think data packs have ever been more than $15..err is it $18???? 3 of my 4 lines have FREE Data and 1 only pays $8(neat lil add on to have lol)
back when they had PCS Vision Packs you could get uncapped data on flip phones and such for $15... you could get Premium Vision Data Packs which gave you unlimited pic and vid mail(sprint was first with vid phones), browsing, 4 Free MP3 downloads from the store, and Navigation for $25 bucks... Sprint has always offered a basic uncapped on some level(as shown above) for around $15........... I dont think they even started trying the "must be on a unlimited data plan for smartphones thing" until the TP1..maybe the Mogul... before then Smartphones shared the same PCS Vision Packs as everyone else..... (could be wrong)
so........ I dont think Sprint has ever cost more than VZW or ever been close on Data Plans.. like i said Sprint has always had that $15 price tag for as long as i can remember.....