Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.0 | FroYo 3.30.651.3 | *Updated 11/17/10*
I agree with you on the battery life OMJ. Doesnt seem as solid as before. As for the errors, I too have had a few of those issues since playing with the 3.30 version. It especially fails when I am messing with my contact, text messages and syncing of contact. I'm curious if this has anything to do with contact pictures not showing in text messages even though they are in my address book. I did run the 'fix permissions' in ROM manager and it seemed to have minimized the errors too btw. Placebo? Eh, who knows....
Give some 
Last edited by OR78; 11-20-2010 at 04:59 PM.