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Old 11-20-2010, 09:44 AM
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Re: Looking for advice on a android phone

Don't get the EVO or the Epic. I tried to tell a few people on here to wait until Gingerbread but they didn't and now they are paying for it. The EVO has a lot of issues, save rooting and getting a rom, the problems are still there. (You can check the EVO board).The Epic is the better of the two but it has problems too, mostly the keyboard (I tried it out and returned it). By the time the Epic gets is 2.2 upgrade 2.3 will be out shortly after (the Epic is NOT getting gingerbread).

All you have to do is just wait until 2.3 comes out as Android plans to slow down on so many versions, also new processors are coming out that will make the Epic and Evo old hat.
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