Originally Posted by imkk
It now seems to be pocket plus making the sd card disappear for me.
Originally Posted by vclawson
Everything was going fine. I installed the following in order:
Unlock Ext Rom to Main Memory
Total Commander to Main Memory
Pocket Informant 2007 to Main Memory
UPX4PPC to Storage Card
SPB Pocket Plus to Main Memory
Microsoft .NET CF 2 to Main Memory
SPB Diary to Main Memory
The only problem I has was after installing MS .NET CF 2 Active Sync would freeze up the phone everytime I tried to sync. I uninstalled .NET CF 2 and Active Sync was fine. Re-installed .NET CF 2 and all was ok. I then installed SPB Time and SPB Weather to Main Memory. At that point my SD Card started Disapearing. The only way to get it back is to remove the SD card and put it back but only after it has been resumed from suspend for several minutes. I'm thinks this must be a registry change that is made in this AKU. I have put in the stability reg hacks(after finding the problem) from sonny486 in the PDAPhonehome forum.
Im leaning more towards CF2 being the culprit on the disappearing card issue. Truth of the matter is, right after I installed that on AKU2.2 my card started disappearing as well.