Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
you bash him then take his advice plus ask a question? were all here trying to help so maybe be nice or say thankyou.
Darren omg thanks for pointing that out.. I don't know about the bashing part... but as you can see I'm a good reader and a advice taker.
So maybe if I sat back like everybody and not create this thread for a purpose... I guess we all would not benefit from this particular thread. I'm doing more than 3 forums at once. I've thanked so many before.. so to all those that agree with with Darren.wlsn1
Speak your mind!!!! I am actually a nice person. I just don't act or type like one lol. But I'm at least happy that one of you got to spend at least 60 seconds of your time to reply.
But let's not get personal... I'm not dying for you to have my baby lol