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Old 11-19-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
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I just finished another 60 hour week. Can't wait to have fun with this on the weekend. I'll just be watching some football
I have been doing some reading and playing around with trying to access the NAND (MTD)? Still new to me so sorry if that's not right... I haven't gotten too far and it seems there is not a lot of info, it either works or it does not.
I have been trying to learn from what the Dev of the Vogue did (since I have one) but I don't know if the Tinboot.s needs to be changed or the initranfs (which seems logical to me).

But what is the big road block?
Anyone have any ideas that they just haven't had the time to test?
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