Originally Posted by corvettemph200
iv had my touch for a while and it seems as though my screen is broken? i don't know how to say it but when i press down anywhere is has this ripple effect through the screen kinda annoying it didn't do this when i first bought it about 3-4 month ago and there appears to be a grayish bluish color about half an inch over from the direct center of the screen it dosnt move or go away it most noticeable on the white screen but is still visible when doing anything else i have insurance on the phone would they cover this? and help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance 
you dont have to go through the insurance company and pay the 50. bring it into a certified repair center and show them the problem and they will either fix it or give you new one. tell them and enforce tat you dont want a refurbished since they always work like crap unles you get lucky...... hope this helps you and good luck with gettign a new touch.