its a soft cap. if you read closely, it is stated that there is a 5 gig cap. in 4 years of using ppc and big data, ive never even heard of sprint enforcing it. some members even claim to use 15 gigs a month.
the story always was as i heard it that they would never charge you for it, just use it as an excuse to kick you off your contract. supposedly they could do this if you exceeded the limit 3 months in a row.
as i stated ive nrver heard of this being enforced.
once, mighty mike and a few others got outragous bills from telus for tethering to the tune of 1100 bucks. i think they all had to sign up for tethering plans or something to get telus to settle it.
anyway, im still interested ini seeing this letter.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.