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Old 11-19-2010, 02:09 PM
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Re: Galaxy S uprade 2.2

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Did anyone read the comments associated with this link?

I'm curious to know if there's any truth about the GPS being a hardware problem and not fixable via software update, and that Samsung is pushing back the updates in order to get the maximum sales of the Galaxy S Tabs before coming clean that some issues aren't fixable. For those that have the new 2.2 beta's, is the GPS significantly better or is this some sort of placebo effect?
A lot of people are being confused but we have to remember..the Galaxy S is on 110 carriers in 125 countries (or at least will be)..OBVIOUSLY some Galaxy S phones may not see updates as fast as the other..the Epic is gonna get an update before end of the year as we can see by the betas.

In the first beta we didnt get a new radio so we couldnt tell..DK05 had the new radio and people who tried it said GPS has been fixed..BUT the radio does have other issues like soft-bricking the phone (hence why its a beta lol)
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